1. IAQ Home Survey is a low-cost test designed to measure the chemicals in the air
2. IAQ Home Survey is performed during the home audit.
3. IAQ Home Survey reports the total amount of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) found in the home and whether they are within a recommended safe range.
4. IAQ Home Survey predicts the source of the VOCs and determines if the home is the source or if the VOCs are merely from the contents of the home.
5. Formaldehyde is also measured and reported individually.
This test is especially useful for any home constructed or remodeled within the past five years.
Get peace of mind that the air in the home you’re buying is safe to breathe. Call us today about performing an accurate, affordable IAQ Home Survey test as part of a complete home audit service.
IAQ Home Survey could be performed separately (call-out fee will apply) or during the home audit, sample tubes are then sent to laboratory in USA for an analysis. Depending on postal services, your results should be available within 3-4 weeks.
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The Australian College of Environmental Studies (Est.1999) offers nationally accredited training in mould testing, electromagnetic field testing and Building Biology. www.aces.edu.au
Servicing Perth, Peel, Southwest & Great Southern regions of WA since 2016
Environmental Health Services. Mould/Moisture Inspections.
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